Guide to San Francisco Bay Area Creeks

Production Team

We thank all of these people for their efforts throughout the years

These people have been a part of the team over the years; some are no longer affiliated with the organizations with which they are listed here.

Christopher Richard - Editor, Publisher, Webmaster, Biologist
Keith LaGrone - Wholesale Distribution
Dana Neitzel - Research, Webmaster
Pattie Litton - Webmaster

Oakland Museum of California
1000 Oak St
Oakland, CA 94607

510 238-2200

Janet Sowers - Author, Principal Investigator, Geologist
Robert Givler - Author, GIS, Geologist
Stephen Thompson - Author, Geologist
Anne Tillery - Author, Geologist
Teresa Ramirez-Herrera - Author
Jason Holmberg - Cartographer
Rick Zeeb - Cartographer
Carolyn Mosher - Cartographer

William Lettis & Associates, Inc.
1777 Bothello Dr., Suite 262
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

925 256-6070

Lester McKee - Principal Investigator, Hydrologist
Robin Grossinger - Author, Historical Ecologist
Ruth Askevold - Cartographer
Sarah Pearce - Researcher

San Francisco Estuary Institute
7770 Pardee Lane
Oakland, CA 94621-1424

(510) 746-7334

The Bay Institute

Peter Vorster - Author, Hydrologist

The Bay Institute
500 Palm Drive
Novato, CA 94949

415-272-4209 c.

Kim Long - Graphic Arts

2546 S. Broadway
Denver, CO 80210


Trish Mulvey - Guardian Angel
Sarah Pollock - Author
Shelby Hall - Author
Jennifer Nielsen - Consultant
Joan Patton - Consultant
Ann Riley - Consultant
John Thelen Steere - Consultant
Charles Wollenberg - Consultant


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