
Life of the Miner

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Miner's Life
Forty-niners rushed to California with
visions of gilded promise, but they discovered a harsh reality. Life in the gold fields
exposed the miner to loneliness and homesickness, isolation and physical danger, bad food
and illness, and even death. More than anything, mining was hard work. Fortune might be
right around the corner, but so too was failure. The promises and commitments to remain
faithful in body and spirit to families left behind were constantly tested by the
struggles and temptations of the moment.
Miners responded to these challenges
with humor, resiliency, and sometimes despair. "Escape" from the realities of
their conditions might be found in correspondence with home, in community with fellow
miners, at a gambling table, or in a bottle of
whiskey. The temptations of Saturday night were inevitably followed by the chores and
rituals of Sunday morning, as miners contrived to create a semblance of community out of
life in the mines.
Top: Sunday Morning in the Mines, by Charles
Nahl, Collection of Crocker Art Museum
Middle Left: Log Cabin Rocker, Photo by Christopher Richard
Middle Right: Log Cabin Table, Photo by Christopher Richard
Bottom: Saturday Night at the Mines, by Charles Nahl, Collection of
Stanford University Museum of Art