OrdersThis is an order form that visitors can print and mail in to order.
M Y T H & R E A L I T Y: The California Gold Rush and Its Legacy
A visual literacy and primary resource-based curriculum
School/Group____________________ Grade Level_________
(check one) ___Public ___Private
Mailing Address________________________________________________
CITY_______________ ZIP CODE_______________
School Telephone___________________ School District________________
County _________________
How did you find out about this curriculum?
|FEE| |
Volume One |
Four |
$120 |
x |
_______ |
= |
_______ |
"A Ripping Trip" City Life During the Gold Rush |
Volume Two |
Four |
$120 |
x |
_______ |
= |
_______ |
"The Diggin's"-Daily Life in the Mines Mining the Environment |
The Big Rock Candy Mountain |
Five |
$75 |
x |
_______ |
= |
_______ |
Westward Expansion: Gold, Greed, and Government |
Eight |
$120 |
x |
_______ |
= |
_______ |
Immigration:California's Issue in the 1850s, the Nation's Issue in the 1990s |
Eleven |
$120 |
x |
_______ |
= |
_______ |
(fee does not include shipping and sales tax)Call
for a quote 510/238-6305 |
Subtotal |
$______ |
______ Please send the Spanish translation packet for Grade Four.
P.O.s accepted and must be accompanied by payment in order to ship curriculum.
Date_______ Topic_________________ Grade____ Fee x no. attending_____ = $______
Date_______ Topic_________________ Grade____ Fee x no. attending_____ = $______
Subtotal $______
$90/Oakland Class $105/non-Oakland Class
(For UPS shipment one-way to school, add $18. To return suitcase, borrower is responsible for arranging directly with UPS.)
Borrow dates: lst choice______________ 2nd choice______________ 3rd choice______________
Loan Fee______________ plus UPS_________ Subtotal = $______
Subtotal $______
TOTAL $______
Check #______
Please make checks payable to:
Education Department / OMCA
Mail payment and form to:
Oakland Museum of California
1000 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607