Art of the Gold Rush
Index |
- Thomas A. Ayres (1816-1858), San Francisco Bay, 1851
- Henry Bacon (1839-1912), The Luck of Roaring Camp, 1880
- A.D.O. Browere (1814-1887), Crossing the Isthmus, about
- A.D.O. Browere (1814-1887), The Lone Prospector, 1853
- A.D.O. Browere (1814-1887), Stockton, 1856
- George Henry Burgess (1831-1905), Artist's Gold Mining Camp,
- George Henry Burgess (1831-1905), View of San Francisco in
- Harrison Eastman (1823-1886), Saint Francis Hotel, Corner
of Clay and Dupont Streets, 1849
- Alexander Edouart (1818-1892), Blessing of the Enriqueta
Mine, 1860
- Washington F. Friend (1820-1886), Placer Mining, n.d.
- E. Godchaux (dates unknown), Vue de San Francisco en 1851
- William Smith Jewett (1812-1873), Captain Ned Wakeman,
about 1851
- William Smith Jewett (1812-1873), Hock Farm (A View of
the Butte Mountains from Feather River, California), 1851
- George Tirrell (dates unknown), View of Sacramento,
California from Across the Sacramento River, about 1855-6
- William Smith Jewett (1812-1873), Portrait of General John
A. Sutter, 1856
- Francis Samuel Marryat (1826-1855), San Francisco Fire of
17 September 1850
- E. Hall Martin (1818-1851), Mountain Jack and a Wandering
Miner, about 1850
- William McIlvaine (1813-1867), Panning Gold, California,
- Hugo Wilhelm Arthur Nahl (1833-1889), The Fire in Sacramento,
- Charles Christian Nahl (1818-1878), Fire in San Francisco
Bay, 1856
- Charles Christian Nahl (1818-1878), Little Miss San Francisco
- Charles Christian Nahl (1818-1878) and August Wenderoth (1819-1894), Miners in the Sierra, 1851
- Charles Christian Nahl (1818-1878), Portrait of Jane Eliza
Steen Johnson, 1858
- Charles Christian Nahl (1818-1878), Sunday Morning in the
Mines, 1872
- John Prendergast (dates unknown), San Francisco after Fire,
- Frederick August Wenderoth, Portrait of a Man, 1854
- Rufus Wright (1832-?), The Card Players, 1882
- Artist Unknown (A.G.), A Lucky Striker, n.d.